


5 Ways to Flaunt Healthy Skin This Summer

While ‘Winter’ is surely coming on your television or laptop screens, the scenario outside your window tells a different tale. It’s that time of the year when clear blue skies and the sparkly sunshine screams ‘Summer’. And we all know what that means - heat, dust, pollution and the battle against UVA/UVB rays. While we know the importance of certain elements for good skin care, its necessity hits an all-time peak during this season, when our exposure to sun is higher, thanks to extended weekends, poolside time with friends and beach holidays with the fam. 
We can never stress enough on the importance of overall wellbeing for healthy looking skin. And sometimes, these tips are as simple as buying chalk and cheese from a local store. Delve in to this quick read, in order to decode some simple tips which will ensure you flaunt healthy looking skin this summer!

Not without your Sunscreen 
Can summer skincare ever be complete without the mention of - Sunscreen? Nah! A broad spectrum sunscreen, that suits your skin type, is a must have in all your bags - be it office, college or beach. While it is necessary to wear sunscreen all year round, it’s an absolute must during the ongoing season, as the harsh UVA/UVB rays can cause major damage to your skin overtime. Pick a sunscreen with more than SPF30+, and if you are on the beach, we recommend you choose SPF50+. Make sure you re-apply the product every two hours.

Vitamin E Magic 
Let’s admit it! Vitamin E has been a key ingredient in skincare since a really long time. While the newer, more fancier-sounding ingredients may seem more appealing to a large section of the beauty loving audience, the good ol’ humble Vitamin E continues to be a hot favourite among those, who trust the ingredient for healthy looking skin. One must keep in mind the fact that over time, multiple elements like sun damage, pollution and various other environmental causes end up weakening the skin, depleting its resources and ultimately, results in signs of damage to skin and hair. There are multiple ways in which Vitamin E can be used as a skin and hair nourisher. 

From moisturisers, eye creams, serums to night creams and facial masks; a variety of products come loaded with abundant burst of Vitamin E. Chances are that almost every third product in your skincare shelf has the ingredient listed, and you never even knew (well, that’s a sign that you should begin paying attention to the ingredients on your skincare products).

Wah! Water 
What’s that one item which we can have non-stop (in most cases, without paying a price), but still choose to ignore its importance? Well, chances are that you don’t drink enough ‘Water’, if you haven’t got that right. We may see a bottle of water around us, and can even travel with one. But, most times, we prefer to let go, because we feel only high-end luxury products are required for soft and supple skin. It’s necessary that you have at least 3-4 litres of water daily, in order to get rid of toxins, and keep yourself hydrated. If you are someone who needs further motivation, create infused water recipes with ingredients like Lemon, Cucumber, Mint among others. Yes, water is precious for a reason! And, it’s high time we appreciate the importance of this element in our lives.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables are an absolute blessing! Not only are they delicious (and super yum to gorge on), but they can used up in more ways than one. Ensure you stock up on some delicious seasonal fruits to make salads, juices and even DIY fresh face masks. Plus, since summer anyway makes one feel tired and sluggish, a tall glass of freshly squeezed juice is the perfect refresher. Nothing better than sugar and preservative free stuff on your plate and / or glass!

Em’ Eyes & Lips don’t Lie 
We often look at the larger picture, and shrug away when it comes to the smaller things. However, ignoring any body part during summer is a big no-no. So, it’s important that you use a good lip balm (preferably something which includes SPF protection). Further, you can also apply natural ingredients like Shea Butter or invest in a good lip sleeping mask, in order to hydrate your lips overnight. Another area that needs good attention are your ‘Eyes’. Ensure you wear sunglasses, every time you step out during the crucial 12 to 4 pm sun hours. Come back home to some rose (or any good cooling ingredient infused) water soaked cotton pads. Keep them on for 10 mins, and your eyes will surely thank you.

This isn't an exhaustive list, as there are many more tips that can further help your skin stay healthy. However, these are some basic things that we swear by, and we are sure, you will too. Here’s to a super happy summer ahead!!

What are your favourite tips for good skincare in summer? 

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Priya Adivarekar

Priya Adivarekar - Founder and Creative Director at Diary of a Dancebee. She is also a renowned Voice Actress and award winning artiste, with serious passion for dance. When not working round the clock, she can be seen reading, enjoying a movie-binge or listening to music.
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