Dancebee Rapid Fire with Kareena Kapoor Khan | Exclusive

Pretty, hot & tempting; if you hear these words and the Diva's name doesn't cross your mind, then well, you certainly need a vacation! Well, Bollywood's very own begum Kareena Kapoor Khan turns 42 today. The actress ringed in her birthday with family and close friends with a chilled and relaxed get together. We all can agree that age is just a number for Bebo, as she continues to give us major fitness and style goals, every single day. As part of her birthday week celebrations, here's an exclusive, fun rapid fire Q&A that we did with the actress. And yes, she has something to say about her little prince Taimur as well!

Of course, we don't have a KJo style hamper thing going on here, but we look forward to continuing this 'Rapid Fire' series in the future, adding a dash of fun Q&A with your favourite stars!

Favourite film that celebrates friendship?
Dil Chahta Hai! It's the perfect example of a 'friendship' film, and I think it was quite ahead of its times. It changed the whole dynamics in Indian cinema.

Your girl squad?
It's all over Instagram. I think everybody knows (laughs)

Does the girl gang have its share of 'kiss and make up' moments?
Well, there is always room for opinions and debate. But, we don't really fight!

If you could have one special power, what would you do with it?
I honestly wish that I could always be around my son [Taimur], and never go anywhere without him. 

One personality trait of Saif [Ali Khan] that you really admire.
The list would be endless, other wise I wouldn't have married him (laughs). Our value system is the same, and I think that is the most important thing that you look for in a man.

Something about your equation with Saif, that stands out from the rest!
Probably, the fact that we agree on so many things. Our fundamentals in life are very much aligned.

Are you a Kareena Kapoor Khan fan? What are your thoughts on her journey in Bollywood so far?

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The Dancebee

*This article was first published on 21 September, 2019

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